Marine Chaplaincy

Those who go down to the sea in ships, Who do business on great waters; They have seen the works of the Lord, And His wonders in the deep.

Paslm 107

Our staff at ADEVRO Marine Services Inc. knows firsthand the stress that comes from being a sailor and spending months at sea, away from family, friends, loved ones, and even spiritual guidance.

That is why ADEVRO is passionate about supporting seafarers with free spiritual resources when we attend a ship, whether it be Rosaries, Bibles, Korans, arranging ministers, or any reasonable request.

We work with all faiths and religious beliefs.

Your Sins could be as big as a ship but Allah’s Mercy is greater than the Ocean

Arabic Proverb

We also collect supplies and donations to make care boxes for ships around major holidays of different faiths.

Send us a message today and we will work with your company and ship to provide the necessary resources to support your sea-going employees.

“When the sea gets turbulent and we feel our lives are at risk, it is to Nagore Andavar that we plead, through songs to rescue us. And miraculously the winds will change, push us to the safety of the shore,”

Kombai S. Anwar describing the Hindu guardian of seafarers